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How can your idea
become legislation?

By Dr. Jayesh Shah, 2016 BCMS President

  Did you know that every BCMS member has the opportunity           you submit a resolution to TMA, the staff will add a fiscal note
to write a resolution and get involved in producing legislation at  to your resolution so that if approved, it can be included in
the grassroots level?                                               TMA’s next year’s budget. Please note that only the resolved state-
                                                                    ments of resolutions are acted upon by the House and become
  If you sometimes wonder how you can contribute when you           association policy statements or directives. If your resolution has
identify a problem with the practice of medicine, this is what you  directive to go from the AMA House of Delegates then it is re-
should do. Take the problem that you found and use it as an op-     viewed by the AMA delegation from TMA.
portunity to find and suggest a solution in the form of a resolu-
tion. As a member of the county medical society, you can write        If you need help, BCMS has a lot of resources including staff
a resolution which can be submitted to BCMS.                        person, Mary Nava, Director of Governmental Affairs, who will
                                                                    help and guide you to write your resolution. I would like to en-
  The BCMS Delegate Committee reviews all resolutions that          courage everyone to get involved, write a resolution, and be a
are submitted by BCMS members. If the committee agrees, the         part of the BCMS delegation to TMA. You can also serve on the
delegates present the recommendation as a resolution from the       Reference Committee or get involved in other county society
county society at the next meeting of the TMA House of Del-         committees.
egates. If your resolution is not adopted by the county society,
you can still submit it directly to the TMA House of Delegates        Get involved. Individual members have the power to change
without the county society’s endorsement for consideration by       things and there is a mechanism in place so your voice can be
the TMA House. TMA sections also may submit resolutions.            heard. I am attaching a resolution this year that was brought by
Boards, councils, and committees (and sections) also develop        a BCMS member which was approved by the BCMS delegation.
ideas and recommend actions through reports (not resolutions)       The TMA House of Delegates will discuss this resolution at the
to the house.                                                       TEX MED annual meeting on April 29-30 in Dallas.

  Resolutions are structured to express the background of the         See you all at the TMA meeting. One of our past presidents,
problem in “whereas” clauses and to specify a specific position     Dr. David Henkes, is running for president-elect and we need
or course of action in one or more “resolved” statement(s).         you all to be there to support his candidacy.
If your idea or resolution is already a policy, you can find that
out by searching the AMA or TMA website. It is always a good          See you there.
idea to search relevant policies while writing a resolution. Once     Dr. Jayesh Shah

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